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Work With Me

Patterns, design, tech packs and more

I firmly believe in the uniqueness of every client's needs, which is why our services are customized to cater to each individual. What is your ultimate objective, and how may I assist you in attaining it? Whether you are a start up looking to launch your first collection, an established brand or even an influencer looking to develop your own line, I am here to help you achieve your goals. We are flexible in our approach to each project and can tailor our services to meet your needs.

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Advice & Design

In addition to providing fixed day rates and project packages, we extend the following services specifically designed for start-ups or individuals:


  1. Personalized calls: Are you seeking concise advice or guidance to steer you in the right direction? We offer one-on-one calls charged on an hourly basis, ensuring you receive the precise assistance you need.

  2. Creative clarity sessions: Do you require a fresh perspective to develop a strategy for advancing your brand? Our creative clarity sessions are tailored to your specific requirements, offering valuable insights and ideas to propel your business forward.

    Our aim is to support and empower your start-up by offering these specialized services.

Concept & Trend

You've got an idea, but it needs fine tuning or you aren't sure if it's viable? We can help with trend research and concept development.


- Identifying USP's 

- Trend prediction

- Moodboards to help bring your vision to life

- Catwalk analysis

- Key fabric trends

- Colour palette creation

- Market and customer research

(Competitors, price points analysis, identify gaps in the market)

- Brand ethos and mood development 

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Design Creation

Transform your ideas into polished, final designs. Starting with a hand sketch or inspiration images, we refine and shape them into finalised CADs using industry-standard tools like Illustrator and Photoshop. Collaboration is important throughout the design stage so we will involve you at every step, seeking your valuable feedback regularly. Wether you are creating a small collection or even a one-off piece, we can accommodate your needs and provide pricing options per design.


Bring us your rough sketches, Pinterest inspiration, or imaginative thoughts, and we will breathe life into them.


 After your designs are finalised, we create technical packs to help manufacturers and factories interpret them & begin sampling/production. 

Sampling & Pattern Cutting

Now you've got your designs you need a sample or pattern. We can help with pattern drafting and initial sample creation. This sample and pattern can be used to start the production process and can accompany a tech pack provided to manufacturers. 


We can also create bespoke or one-off garments/patterns designed specifically for you or from our catalogue. 

Get in touch to discuss how we can best assist you on your design journey!

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